Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Windy Day

We realized that we had a kite for Eli in our closet. It was supposed to go in his Easter basket, but it was forgotten. Yesterday was very windy, and it jarred our memories a bit. Here are some pictures:

Fly a Kite!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Well-versed in the Classics

Eli really likes my old Vectrex. Whenever we wind up in the basement, we've usually got to do a round of Minestorm or Armor Attack. He loves Armor Attack because it has a helicopter that comes out to drop bombs on you from time to time. He gets kind of annoyed if I shoot them down.

Anyway, let's get to the pictures:

Easter 2008

Eli had fun this Easter season with Brady, Jason, Gina, Finnegan, Liz and Mom & Dad. The evidence is right here:

Easter 2008

A visit from grace

Grace came over for a visit last month with Andrea. She and Eli had a lot of fun playing together. They really liked building and destroying couch-cushion houses:

Here are some other photos:

Grace's Visit

Valentine's Victory

Sweet, sweet candy:

Post Valentine's Party Booty

January Photos

Some miscellaneous photos from January:

January 2008

Video Blast

Here are a few videos. First, a Play-Doh Fun Factory demonstration:

Next, Eli dances to one of his favorite songs: the demo track on our 1980s Yamaha keyboard:

And finally, here is Eli's how-to video for the great valentines he made this year: