Sunday, December 14, 2008

Youtube Roundup

Here are a few little Youtube clips of Eli's latest exploits and adventures.

First off, we had Thanksgiving this year in Wahpeton at the Vets Club -- with Rebecca's extended family. Here is Eli with some cousins playing "Ring Around the Rosies."

Bingo is a Thanksgiving tradition at the Vets Club, and there are always lots of little prizes for the kids. Eli won one of those little paddle ball sets. I decided to tape his first attempts to use it.

The last video is from Santa Claus Day at our neighborhood Shriner's club. There were clowns onsite making balloon animals for the kids, and Eli asked for a fishing rod with a fish on the end. Here he is working on his casting:

Pre-Christmas Holiday Stuff and More

November-December 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Summer and Phall Photos

Hey, remember this guy? Here are a bunch of pics that I haven't uploaded -- until now. They've got late summer, Halloween and Finnegan's birthday party covered.

Summer and Fall 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Windy Day

We realized that we had a kite for Eli in our closet. It was supposed to go in his Easter basket, but it was forgotten. Yesterday was very windy, and it jarred our memories a bit. Here are some pictures:

Fly a Kite!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Well-versed in the Classics

Eli really likes my old Vectrex. Whenever we wind up in the basement, we've usually got to do a round of Minestorm or Armor Attack. He loves Armor Attack because it has a helicopter that comes out to drop bombs on you from time to time. He gets kind of annoyed if I shoot them down.

Anyway, let's get to the pictures:

Easter 2008

Eli had fun this Easter season with Brady, Jason, Gina, Finnegan, Liz and Mom & Dad. The evidence is right here:

Easter 2008

A visit from grace

Grace came over for a visit last month with Andrea. She and Eli had a lot of fun playing together. They really liked building and destroying couch-cushion houses:

Here are some other photos:

Grace's Visit

Valentine's Victory

Sweet, sweet candy:

Post Valentine's Party Booty

January Photos

Some miscellaneous photos from January:

January 2008

Video Blast

Here are a few videos. First, a Play-Doh Fun Factory demonstration:

Next, Eli dances to one of his favorite songs: the demo track on our 1980s Yamaha keyboard:

And finally, here is Eli's how-to video for the great valentines he made this year:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Tighty Whitey Twist

Eli tried his underwear for the first time tonight! He usually resisted whenever we brought it up, but tonight I guess it sounded like a pretty good idea. He tried both pairs and didn't want to take them off when it was time to get ready for bed. Here are some pictures:

Undie Dance

And here is the undie dance:

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

Christmas Time



Marveling at the Christmas Tree, Shoveling Snow

Mom's Birthday Cupcakes & some miscellaneous

At Gym Daddies Class

Hanging out w/ Brady, Jason, Grandma, Grandpa (plus, goofing around on the couch)


Happy New Year! I'm going to play catch up with a couple of not-so-terribly-recent, but not-too-terribly-old videos.